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Should I Give My Dog CBD?
6 Min Read

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a natural compound found in hemp and cannabis plants. It is gaining much attention in both the human and pet worlds. In the United States, hemp refers to varieties of cannabis that contain less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is known to have psychoactive effects. CBD, on the other hand, does not produce a high because it contains less than 0.3% THC.

Ongoing research into the effectiveness of CBD is revealing its potential for treating various conditions in both humans and animals. It is helpful in treating physical and psychological ailments such as pain, anxiety, depression, seizures, and inflammation. Additionally, it is believed to have neuroprotective properties, which means it could play a crucial role in safeguarding the brain from damage caused by injury or disease.

As with any supplement, it is essential to consider how CBD could improve your dog’s quality of life before trying it. Here are some ways that CBD might help your fur baby.

Arthritis and joint pain

Like humans, dogs can experience joint pain, mobility issues, and arthritis. This is especially true for older dogs, overweight dogs, and those who have suffered an injury. In the US, more than 20 percent of dogs are estimated to struggle with arthritis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used to treat this condition, but they carry a risk of side effects – primarily related to gastrointestinal and kidney function. 

In a double-blind, crossover trial with dogs suffering from osteoarthritis, researchers found that “CBD oil increased the comfort and activity level of dogs in their home environment, and veterinary assessments of pain were favorable.”  

Anxiety, nervousness, and stress

Dogs experience anxiety, nervousness, and stress for a variety of reasons, including past trauma, separation, pain, loud noises, etc.. If you have a dog with anxiety, you know how painful it is to watch them suffer. Research and anecdotal evidence indicate that CBD relieves symptoms of stress in humans and dogs by working with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system, stimulating the production of serotonin, which helps to alleviate anxiety and stabilize mood. In a study done at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, dogs given CBD before a stressful event showed an 83 percent reduction in anxiety-related behaviors.

Skin allergies

Atopy is a dermatologic allergy that causes itching and chewing. In an Australian animal trial, the therapeutics company CannPall tested a CBD product for its ability to help with atopy symptoms. Dogs were given a CBD product or a placebo over four weeks. The results were quite promising, showing that  65% of pups had at least a 50% decrease in chewing and itching. Out of these dogs, half recovered from all itchiness during treatment.


Epilepsy is the most common cause of recurring seizures in dogs, and according to the American Kennel Club, it impacts 0.75% of the canine population. Conventional treatment includes seizure medications that come with a number of side effects.  Clinical trials have shown that CBD – which contains anticonvulsant properties – helps reduce the symptoms and frequency of seizures in dogs. At Colorado State University, researchers have an ongoing study on using CBD along with traditional seizure medications to reduce seizure activity.

Nausea and appetite

CBD oil has been extensively studied for its ability to regulate nausea and vomiting. If your dog has a sensitive stomach or an underlying illness, CBD can help with nausea. According to a  2011 study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology

“Considerable evidence demonstrates that manipulation of the endocannabinoid system regulates nausea and vomiting in humans and other animals. The anti-emetic effect of cannabinoids has been shown across a wide variety of animals that are capable of vomiting in response to a toxic challenge.”

The American Cancer Society includes cannabinoids on its list of Medicines Used to Treat Nausea and Vomiting.  As a natural anti-inflammatory, CBD helps to reduce inflammation in the stomach, which often accompanies nausea and vomiting. Furthermore, CBD can regulate appetite, which is good for dogs that are not eating enough. 


Common reasons dogs develop insomnia include cognitive dysfunction, 

(dementia), stress, pain, or excessive itchiness. Dogs with insomnia are active at night and often pace, act confused, bark, or whine. They may also sleep excessively during the day and have very little energy. By modulating the endocannabinoid system, CBD may help regulate the sleep-wake cycle, reducing insomnia and promoting restful nightime sleep.

Considerations when purchasing CBD

CBD is available in various forms, including oil, gel treats, tinctures, and capsules. It can be administered orally or topically, depending on the desired effect. When purchasing CBD products, it’s important to ensure they are derived from high-quality, organically-grown hemp and have been third-party tested for purity and potency.

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