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The 11 Benefits of Going Paleo for Pets
12 Min Read

You can’t see it in humans, and you can’t see it in pets, but it takes hold and silently wreaks havoc on all bodily systems. It is chronic inflammation and the leading cause of major health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer in humans and animals.

For humans and pets, one way to stop inflammation is by closely examining our diet – what we eat and feed our pets matters. Read on to discover the dangerous impact inflammation has on your pet and why the best option to stop it in its tracks involves going back in time.

Conventional food is loaded with needless fillers, dyes, and low-grade ingredients that promote a vicious cycle of inflammation. As a responsible pet parent, you must know what you feed your pets. Can you pronounce all of the ingredients? Do you know what the words mean?

Studies show that feeding dogs poor-quality food upsets the gut microbiome and triggers a cascade of bodily responses like obesity. This alters immune cells in fat tissue resulting in chronic inflammation leading to serious conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

How do we know if our pet is suffering if inflammation is unseen?

Signs your pet is suffering from inflammation

Here are a few signs that your pet may suffer from runaway inflammation.

  • Excessive itching or licking – Watch your pet’s behavior. Do they lick and chew their skin? Skin allergies, often found on paws and in the ears, are signs of chronic inflammation.
  • Reduced appetite – Does your pet sit and stare at its full food bowl, avoiding eating? Animals suffering from inflammation are uncomfortable and perhaps in pain, making eating a not-so-fun activity.
  • Stinky breath and oral health issues – Does your pet suffer from chronic halitosis – no matter what you do? Inflammation of the gums causes oral infections, which set your pet up for severe complications.
  • Stomach distress – Stomach distress presents itself in several ways, including diarrhea and vomiting. This is generally due to inflammation of the lining of the stomach or intestines – a widespread condition, especially in dogs.
  • Joint pain – Look for signs of joint pain caused by inflammation, including limping, difficulty jumping or going up or down stairs or hesitancy in walking.
  • Behavioral changes – Is your pet irritable, withdrawn, or exhibiting strange behavior? Pain caused by the fire of inflammation often drives mood changes, making your pet less predictable.
  • Cystitis – Also known as bladder inflammation, cystitis causes frequent urination. Pets may sometimes urinate inside the home or outside of their litter box when suffering from bladder inflammation.

The Paleo dog diet stops inflammation in its tracks

The first step is to make dietary changes to stop the runaway train of inflammation in your pet’s body. Just like the human body is not designed to function on junk food, your pet is not designed to run on empty, chemical-laden, nutrient-void conventional food.

You may be familiar with the term “going Paleo” for humans, but again, the same terminology can apply to dogs and cats. When pets “go Paleo,” good things happen.

Paleo pet diets are designed to mimic the natural dietary patterns of wild carnivores such as wolves and cats, emphasizing species-appropriate nutrition for dogs and cats.

A Paleo dog diet is natural and is as much about what it doesn’t contain as it does. You will not find highly processed, synthetic, or chemical ingredients in a Paleo dog diet. Neither will you find grain – one of the leading ingredients in cheap processed animal food and the leading cause of gut problems and inflammation.

You will find fresh meat and bones in a Paleo dog diet, including seafood, poultry, organ meat, and eggs. This healthy, inflammation-busting diet also contains omega-3 oils, digestive enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics. These foods are designed to work with your pet’s natural systems to bring about health and vitality while keeping dangerous chronic inflammation at bay.

Top benefits of feeding your pet a Paleo diet

Here are some of the top benefits of switching your pet to this traditional way of eating. The good news is that all these benefits help tackle inflammation and restore your pet’s health.

Blood sugar balance

The Paleo diet helps balance blood sugar levels by limiting processed carbohydrates and refined sugars (commonly found in conventional food). Instead, it supplies fiber-rich foods, healthy fats, and lean proteins. These nutrient-dense food sources help to keep blood sugar from spiking and crashing throughout the day.

Weight loss

Reducing grain intake and switching to fresh meats can help overweight animals shed excess pounds since their bodies aren’t eating empty calories in processed foods. The higher protein and fat content also help make pets feel fuller for extended periods, helping prevent overeating.

Nutrient density

Fresh meats and vegetables contain more nutrients than most processed pet foods. Switching to a Paleo diet helps ensure your pet gets all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they need daily for energy and healing.

Improved oral health

Eliminating processed foods and excessive sugars and focusing on foods with various textures promotes healthy gums and teeth. Paleo foods require chewing and help to floss and scrape tartar from teeth naturally.  Also, a Paleo pet diet contains essential nutrients vital to maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria within the mouth. Say goodbye to stinky dog breath!

Healthy  digestion

Conventional dog diets strain the digestive tract, making it operate less effectively. In short, conventional, processed dog diets confuse the gut, kill beneficial bacteria, and result in digestive issues.  The emphasis on whole foods, like fruits and vegetables, provides dietary fiber, found in the Paleo diet, helps move food through the digestive tract, and aids in proper nutrient absorption.

Shinier coat and healthy skin

Does your pet’s coat lack shine?  Essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats found in whole natural foods feed the skin – eliminating painful conditions like hot spots – and support a healthy and beautiful coat.

Reduced allergies

No more itching or licking! A negative response to “anti-food causes many pet allergies.” Processed meat is  The Paleo pet diet does not contain any of the foods that are commonly associated with these reactions, including processed and refined grains, dairy products, refined vegetable oils, and legumes.


Making the dietary switch to Paleo results in more natural aging for your pet. This is due to the high level of Omega-3 fatty acids found in pasture-fed meat and eggs, along with free-radical fighting antioxidants that help turn back the hands of time for your pet.

More energy

Conventional dog foods contain processed ingredients that deplete energy stores. On the other hand, a Paleo diet fuels energy because it has the basic building blocks needed for energy creation – healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein. A noticeable difference is seen in pets’ energy levels once the switch to Paleo is made – especially in working, show, or performance dogs.

Better poops

Let’s face it – none of us likes to pick up after our pets – it truly is a dirty job. The good news is that when you switch your pet to a Paleo diet, poop patrol becomes more manageable and less gross. Real food regulates the digestive tract and produces a more regular and predictable output. If you are constantly worried about embarrassing deposits at the dog park – you will be relieved once you switch to Paleo.

Happier pet

At the end of the day – a healthy pet is a happy pet. Once your pet becomes accustomed to a Paleo diet, they will feel so much better and it will reflect in mood and disposition. Because body-wide inflammation is reduced, pain is reduced, and your pet will feel better overall.

A paleo pet diet is perfect for your pet

When we eat the way our ancestors ate, our body responds in a manner designed to respond with increased energy, reduced inflammation, and well-being. When we feed our pets Paleo, the same thing happens.

Just listen to what one pet owner has to say about switching from conventional dog food to a Paleo diet,

“Bear was always a happy dog, willing and eager to go for long hikes, walks in the park, or just a trip to the pet store. I noticed that he had an intense decrease in energy levels and lacked the same vibrant response to going and doing things he once had. I took him to the vet, who did some lab tests finding his inflammatory markers off the charts. She suspected his joints hurt, making it difficult to get up and go. She suggested switching Bear’s to a Paleo diet to see what happened. Within three months of being on his new diet, I had my old bear back again. Inflammatory markers decreased, and he returned to his old self, hiking and following me around wherever I went. It makes sense to feed dogs what they were meant to eat, and I will never return to conventional food again.”

Are you ready to be the best pet parent and switch to Paleo? Your pet will thank you.

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