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Turmeric & Your Dog
11 Min Read

What if someone told you that the spice that makes your Indian curry so delicious (and gives it that signature golden hue) was a healing powerhouse that could help restore your pet’s health and mobility? Would you believe them? No? What if there were thousands of studies and hundreds of years of evidence backing them up?

Then would you believe them?

As it turns out, this is precisely the case with turmeric and its active component, curcumin. This golden spice has been used in homeopathic medicine for thousands of years to treat various ailments in humans. But in recent years, research has revealed just how powerful turmeric can be for your four-legged bestie too.

Read on as we delve into the potent benefits of this unsuspecting spice and unpack exactly how it can help.

What makes turmeric so special?

Turmeric is a spice used in traditional medicine since around 500 BCE. It contains curcumin, an active compound with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Though it is an ancient remedy, it has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years — thanks partly to a host of well-conducted, peer-reviewed studies supporting its benefits.

The science behind this golden spice is complex and fascinating. Curcumin interacts with a wide range of molecules and pathways within the body, helping support healthy functioning in multiple ways. Some of the most common benefits are related to inflammation, oxidative stress, and protein kinase activation.

While some inflammation is an important part of the body’s natural healing process, chronic inflammation can be deadly and lead to pain, autoimmune disease, gastrointestinal disease, cancer, and more.

Turmeric works to rid the body of chronic inflammation, which is why it has become so widely used for numerous medical conditions.

Certain studies suggest that turmeric could be more beneficial than common NSAIDs like Ibuprofen for reducing inflammation and pain — without the dangerous side effects.

It can also help strengthen the immune system and reduce oxidative stress — an imbalance in the body’s natural antioxidant levels that can lead to tissue damage and disease.

According to research, turmeric could also help:

With more and more research being conducted daily, you can rest assured that the science behind this special spice is only getting stronger.

Turmeric busts chronic inflammation in dogs

Turmeric is becoming increasingly popular among pet owners looking to relieve their pups from chronic pain and inflammation without conventional medications’ potentially harmful side effects.

Some inflammation in pets, like in humans, is normal and healthy. It is the body’s way of protecting itself from harm and activating the healing process. However, it causes serious bodily damage when it becomes chronic and is often identified as the root of all diseases.

Though the research for pets is less extensive than the human studies, many researchers believe that turmeric offers dogs the same powerful benefits as it does humans.

If your pup is suffering from arthritis or other age-related joint pain, turmeric could be just what they need to get back on their feet. While most veterinarians will prescribe steroid medication to reduce the pain, these drugs often have serious side effects. Turmeric can relieve joint pain and improve mobility in your pet without any dangerous side effects.

Studies have found that curcumin can help reduce the severity of osteoarthritis by decreasing inflammation and encouraging collagen production. This helps protect cartilage, reduce pain, and improve mobility.

In addition, curcumin has been found to reduce the activity of proteins that cause joint damage and increase the activity of proteins involved in maintaining joint health. This combination can help keep your pup limber and active for years to come.

Let’s take a closer look at some more ways this superpowered spice can help your furry friend.

Turmeric supports the immune system

Turmeric provides a welcome boost to the immune system, giving extra protection against foreign invaders. Curcumin increases the activity of immune cells like natural killer (NK) cells, macrophages, and lymphocytes. This helps keep their body functioning optimally and defending itself against pathogens.

Turmeric improves skin and coat health

Skin conditions such as eczema, flea allergies, and wounds are no match for turmeric. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce swelling, redness, and itchiness, while its antibacterial properties fight bacteria, and its antioxidant power promotes healing and reduces oxidative damage. Many pet owners notice a remarkable difference in their dog’s skin and coat after just a few months of using turmeric.

Turmeric supports mental wellbeing.

Anxiety is a common problem in dogs, and many pet owners aren’t even aware! Turmeric can be used as a natural supplement to help reduce anxiety and stress in pets due to its calming effect on the body. It has also been found to have protective effects on brain cells and may help reduce cognitive decline in aging dogs.

Turmeric benefits digestive health

Turmeric can also help your pup’s digestive health by reducing inflammation in the GI tract and helping food move more easily through the intestines. This can help prevent constipation, diarrhea, gas, and other gastrointestinal issues. A win-win for your dog and you!

Turmeric freshens breath

Turmeric can help keep your pup’s breath smelling fresh and clean. This is because it inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath — allowing you to enjoy doggy kisses without the stench.

Turmeric reduces the risk of cancer

Unfortunately, far too many pups pass away from cancer, as it’s often diagnosed too late for medical intervention. When it comes to cancer, prevention is key. Helping your pet stay healthy now can reduce the risk of ever having to worry about cancer in the future. Turmeric has been found to have anti-cancer properties, reducing the risk of certain types of cancers and slowing tumor growth.

Common questions about turmeric for dogs

Is turmeric safe for dogs?

Turmeric is generally safe for dogs. Some dog food even contains this beneficial spice. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the proper dosage, assess potential medicine interactions, and identify the best way for your pup to benefit.

Will my dog like the taste of turmeric?

Most dogs won’t even notice the turmeric in their dinner and happily gobble it up along with their favorite meal.

Will my dog smell after eating turmeric?

Turmeric has a very distinct and earthy aroma. You may find that your pup gives off a little turmeric essence after feeding it for a few days. This is generally noticeable around the head and neck region.

How much turmeric should I give my dog?

The amount of turmeric needed for your pup will depend on size and health. Talking with a veterinarian before adding it to your pet’s diet is essential. Generally, the recommended dosage is 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight. This should be divided into two daily doses.

What is the best way to give turmeric to my dog?

Turmeric supplements are specifically formulated for dogs and are available at most pet stores and online retailers. These will provide the optimal dosage. If you cannot locate a supplement, use ground turmeric instead.

However, simply mixing the spice in with your pup’s dinner is not enough. Like humans, dogs don’t easily absorb turmeric on its own. Add turmeric to coconut oil and add this mixture to your dog’s food or combine turmeric in some homemade bone broth and add this. Try both options and see which one your dog likes the best. Either way, doing this will help improve absorption dramatically.

Are there any side effects?

Turmeric is considered quite safe for dogs when used in the proper amounts. Some pups may experience a bit of an upset tummy or diarrhea if too much is given. Be on the lookout for this side effect and stop giving it to your pet until the side effects clear up.

Your pet deserves their best life

None of us likes to see our canine companions suffer. We often hesitate to give our pets prescription medications with a high risk of side effects. Turmeric might just be the natural solution you are looking for.

Note: You should always check with your vet before giving your pet any supplements. Natural supplements like turmeric should never replace regular veterinarian care. Always take your dog in for their recommended check-ups and follow any instructions given to you by your vet.

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